Your guide to .zip files

What are .zip files?

ZIP is a common file format that is used to compress one or more files together into a single location. This reduces the file size making it easier to download multiple files and also makes it quicker for those with slower internet speeds. Unzipping is really easy to do on most computers and devices. 

 How do I unzip a file on a Windows computer? 

1. Open File Explorer and find the compressed folder. 

2. Right click on the folder and select ‘Extract All’.

3. Follow the instructions to unzip and extract all the files, saving the contents somewhere safe on your computer. 

NOTE: Some versions of windows may vary slightly. Refer to your operating system instructions for more details.


How do I unzip a file on a Mac computer? 

1. Double-click on the zipped file.
2. The folder will appear in the same folder as the .zip file. Move the contents to a safe place on your computer as it is most likely automatically saved in your Downloads folder. 


Most Android and Apple devices such as phones and tablets will automatically unzip a folder when you press on the file. 

Refer to your operating system manual for more information.